Take care of yourself.
Take care of others.
At ABANCA we stay informed about the latest news from COVID-19 and the incidents that may affect our customers and our environment. The most important thing is the health of our customers and employees. For us your safety is the top priority.
From ABANCA we want to take care of you and continue to provide the best service. We recommend that you visit our branch only to carry out indispensable operations. Whenever possible, please reach us via phone or email.
Our Miami Branch remains open during regular business hours and our entire team is still working for you.
Our hours of operation and contact information follows:
At the branch: ABANCA USA Miami Branch 1395 Brickell Avenue, suite 1500 33131 Miami, Florida From 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday to Friday, except bank holidays)
By phone: (305) 929 0880 By email: abancausa@abanca.com
Additionally, your account officer is available by phone or email to help you with your banking needs and answer any questions about your accounts.
These are some basic measures to protect ourselves from Coronavirus. Please, follow these recommendations to protect ourselves.
Keep yourself at distance
Avoid crowds and stay at least 2 meters away from others unless strictly necessary.
Avoid shaking hands.
In our offices although we don´t shake hands, we are very happy to wave you. We do it to take care of you and take care of ourselves. Remember that our hands are a vehicle for the transmission of germs.
Cough or sneeze...
Into the bend of your arm. Use disposable handkerchiefs when you blow your nose.